We have one deadline this year (2025).  Mail on or before the first day the post office is open after

Veterans Day (November 11)

HAT REQUIREMENTS - must be 100% superwash wool.  Any color or pattern.


1.  Firmly attach a note to the Sailor who will receive your hat.

2.  Include your email if you would like to be notified that we received your hat (please allow time for processing).

3.  Mail the hats on or before the above dates to::


  P.O. BOX 970

  APTOS, CA  95001-0970

This is an ongoing program and if you miss one of the deadlines mentioned above, we have two deadlines each year.

We provide hand-knitted and crocheted hats for sailors in the US Navy and Coast Guard one ship at a time. It all started in 2010 with Lynne.  She had the idea to provide a handmade hat to every sailor serving on the ship her daughter would be commanding.  Lynne made that idea a reality with the help of knitters and crocheters from all over the world.  They produced enough hats in a few short weeks to outfit the USS Decatur with some left over.  We continue to knit and crochet hats for sailors on other ships in the US Navy and the Coast Guard.

Our Mission

The Hat for Sailors' mission is to provide deployed sailors of the US Navy and the Coast Guard with handmade 100% washable wool hats made by loving volunteers from around the world. These beautiful hats are delivered in time for the December holidays, a bit of warm love and thanks to those who unselfishly take time away from their families to serve our Country.


Hats for Sailors began in 2010 when the founder, Lynne, wanted to provide holiday gifts to the sailors on the ship her daughter was about to take command of, the USS Decatur.  Lynne asked knitters and crocheters to contribute handmade, 100% washable wool hats to the effort.  She received enough hats to outfit the USS Decatur, two Coast Guard cutters (all deployed in the Persian Gulf) as well as to Australian, British and Iraqi military personnel guarding the last remaining Iraqi oil terminal.